This couple, Asma, a lecturer at Technical Teachers' Training Institute and her husband, pilot Capt Zaim Khalid stumbled upon a bundle of English pound in the airport, instead of pocketing the monies, they seek to return the monies to the rightful owner! Honest and righteous! Our leaders should be ashamed of themselves!

These Malaysian... from all walk of life, different mother tougues but all Malaysian and many of them are people with special privilege braved acid rain and arrest to uphold justice and to better the life of all Malaysian!
Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger, Blogger,
and ......
And bloggers who blog tireless, braved harassment and had been called names and even law suit but they are still here... for a BETTER TOMORROW for all Malaysian.
These are the brand new heroes of Malaysia!
I salute everyone of you!